Tuesday, February 25, 2014

In April astropäeva was one of the subjects was 50 years of Gagarin

In April astropäeva was one of the subjects was 50 years of Gagarin's flight. Then everything has come down due to low ajamahu costs. Now you will publish here all the full length of the text. Day on which the person went away from Earth for the first time, will become the 12th April 50. This was also a day to celebrate awear the term New Age ie New Era. Man went to space. Indeed, on 12 April 1961. The Yuri Gagarin's awear trip into space. As a reminder of how all this is happening, I will make a brief overview of the events (source: Wikipedia). First of all, who was Yuri Gagarin? Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin (Russian Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин, March 9, 1934 in Smolensk Oblast, Glušino village - March 27, 1968 in Vladimir Oblast) was a Soviet cosmonaut who in 1961. became the first man in space gone. Yuri Gagarin was 12 April 1961. Vostok 1 was taken off the board. A flight lasted 1 hour and 48 minutes. Gagarin died on 27 March 1968 training flight of MIG-15 Kiržatši nearby. Yuri Gagarin bear the name of the month on the back of the crater and asteroid 1772 Gagarin. Moreover, Gagarin was still a number of candidates for the first space flight. There were a total of twenty. They did not have the best pilots of the Soviet Union, but they chose to Sergei Korolyov himself. The selection criteria were important for growth, weight and health, could not exceed 30 years of age, weighing 72 kg, Height 170 cm (165 cm Gagarin growth was sometimes mentioned in an increase in the 157 cm). Only such a person fit and weight growth of the spaceship Vostok, because the dimensions and weight of the ship were kanderaketi Vostok capacity is severely limited. Furthermore, it was required that would be a cosmonaut member of the Soviet Communist Party (CPSU Gagarin stepped into the 1960s. During the summer). Mark Gallait who fly them to prepare, awear said: "Every twenty lennuväepolgust could have chosen awear such pilots ..." The two were chosen out of six of the ten contender, Korolyov very rushed because awear there was evidence that on 20 April 1961 the Americans send a person to space. After the start of this set from 11 to 17 between April 1961st who flies into space, it was determined at the last minute meeting of the National Commission. selected was Gagarin and German Titov was elected to his understudy. TASS Prepare an announcement Gagarin's flight into space. was the first " A successful ", the second case he drops another country, or the world's seas -" Referral to other governments toward 'request to help find him, and the third, "Tragic", in case you Gagarin back alive can not reach. Spaceship Vostok-1, launched on April 12 1961 at 9.07 am Moscow time from the Baikonur cosmodrome. ship made one revolution around the Earth, and the way to complete 108 minutes of air time 10:55:34, one second before planned. Gagarin's call sign was "Kedr". The braking system failure due to laskumisaparaat Gagarin did not land, but not the intended area of 110 km from Stalingrad, but near the city of Engels in the Saratov region. There's no one as high as guests were not expecting. At 10:48 the nearby military airport radar detected an unknown target (it was laskumisaparaat), and a little later, 7 km altitude for two targets, since Gagarin's flight was scheduled to eject. Start-up cards are deserving Põhjasõlmega Pluto conjunction in Virgo very accurate, which is in exact opposition to Chiron. The key that opened the way to a room. Baikonur shows the importance of the connection of his Aries Sun. For the world, which does not occupy a certain space backstage of things something unexpected was Gagarin's flight, which refers to the exact Russia squaring Uranus. First start from the Baikonur cosmodrome on 21 Aug. 1957 During the Sun and Pluto. Baikonur was in opposition to Chiron. The first Sputnik awear went up 4 oct. 1957 Then there was the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus opposition is the exact connection Chiron. In addition, the asteroid from Baikonur connection Pluto in Virgo. All three cards are an important factor awear in the space-age Chiron startup. Gagarin's flight began 12.04.1961.a. At 06:07 GMT. Baikonur. Local time was 15:07. My attention was attracted by a distant asteroid TL66, which was close to Chiron and Pluto, the opposition, orbiga a little more than two degrees. Transiitne Jupiter was exactly Gagarin nataali TL66 top. Flight were also associated with Pluto and Chiron: Gagarin's flight - Fri 5:50 Pluto in Virgo Gagarin's flight - Virgin Gagarin's flight awear Põhjasõlm 5:25 - 5:05 Pisces Chiron Gagarin's awear flight - the Moon in fish 14:55
Gagarin's death, the circumstances are still unclear, and in fact, all sorts of conspiracy theories and other much. After Gagarin Air Force Academy graduation dedicated to training flights flown Mig-15UTI. 1968th awear In 13th-22nd March he performed 18 training flight with an instructor, with a total length of 7 hours. He would need to undergo independent flights to two more training flight. 27 March was his flight instruction Vladimir Serjogin (regiment commander, Hero of the Soviet Union). At the 10:18 crew had flown out to perform his task in less than two

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