Friday, June 13, 2014

Jaras reports quoting social networking, cake design the first anniversary of the death of Ayatolla

Happy holidays Shbanyh coming Shaaban and thirty-first, cake design twenty-fifth anniversary in conjunction with JRS Suppl led by Mr. Khamenei released on JRS Password quarter led by Mr. Khamenei, Iran's national volleyball team wins against Brazil to participate in the second version of the BBC Arabic The six factors that events in Iraq caused cake design Lmalhdy: Social networks are not opposed to cutting oppose Nuri al-Maliki arrived in Samarra / Shariah Mufti Dash was killed cake design by the intelligence ministry announced the arrest of 30 people linked to al Qaeda
JRS: plainclothes and ceremony, the participants in the attack on the anniversary of the death of Ayatollah cake design Taheri, the event led to violence, and at the same time that some participants chanted slogans in support of the movement were leaders in the arrest, arrested were.
Jaras reports quoting social networking, cake design the first anniversary of the death of Ayatollah Seyyed Jalal Al-Din Taheri, Tuesday evening, June thirteenth cake design month of the martyrs of Iran and the grave of the deceased will be held during the event, people and youths chanting cake design "Ya Hossein - Mir" and the unqualified support of the leaders in the green movement began. The report adds: Shortly after the beginning of the slogan, plainclothes and organized, with violent attacks, the audience were beaten.
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All rights to the Green Movement (JRS) is reserved. 1389

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