Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Nipple is home to many nerves are very sensitive and whether you are male or female. For women, sex

Nipple is home to many nerves are very sensitive and whether you are male or female. For women, sexy jeans the nipples are also extremely important task in lactation and breastfeeding. Many women wonder about the color of the nipples and often feel loss fast weight loss expectations when his nipples were dark pink, not black like many others. There are even women who are no longer worried that the hymen is also deep black nipples under. But the fact is absolutely not so. The color of the breast completely unrelated to the story of a woman's virginity. Below are the top causes of chest are darker sisters. 1 Due to genetic size and color of a woman breast depending on each person's skin pigmentation, with the pale pink, with the pink, brown people and black people to break ... It was decided sexy jeans by the melanin factor. The color of the nipple sexy jeans or "private parts" corresponding well with the color of your skin. Therefore, the skin is not white, it can not have breast rosy as those with lighter skin. Artwork 2 Pregnancy During pregnancy, the hormone of the female body has changed markedly. That changes the shape and color of the breast: a larger areola, breast is black. In addition, starting from 6-8 weeks, the mother's chest elected will have to sign up and will continue to gradually throughout sexy jeans pregnancy. Therefore, feeling itchy cu linen garments can appear and old freezer started stretch the skin, can even visible cracks. These changes are only temporary and will probably go away after the birth mother, breastfeeding or weaning children. 3 Wearing tight bras Although this is not a common cause causes chest in deep black woman, but you also need to pay attention. Bra too tight will increase the friction between the chest shirt will make your chest, chest skin pinched excessive, in the long run will become blackened. Also, wear tight bras also interfere with circulation and circulation in the body. Therefore, it is the culprit causing muscle pain shoulder neck, headache in women. To avoid this situation, you should look for your bra size accordingly. 4 Stimulate much sex is too much or for long periods of breastfeeding is also a culprit in the breasts blackened. However, not all effects of coconut oil have also encountered this situation. Just like the skin of "private parts", the breast skin is very sensitive, if touched too much can lead to pain, irritation, discoloration, like many of you just touch your mouth stronger arm can also leave leave a bruise, purple pretty big. This depends on the design of pre-engineered steel hormonal skin of each person. And for some people, the skin color changes back often difficult colors to lose weight as fast as before. There are those who are after sex or birth, the nipples may become dark again whereas the lifetime sexy jeans also still rosy nipples. So, in sex, to avoid stimulation sexy jeans on the chest area.
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