Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Varhanová gun was the forerunner of modern guns. The disadvantage of early firearms brassiere were

The ancient Greeks brassiere possessed laser gun. At least so says in his writings rhetorician Lucian. When the Roman army attempted to capture the town of Syracuse (214-212 BC.), Has made a mistake. Archimedes had lived there, leading Greek mathematician and inventor. brassiere Determined to defeat the attackers power of the sun. He identified a number of movable mirrors that reflect the sun's rays to a single point, which was chosen brassiere Roman ship. The concentrated light beam on the high temperature caused a wooden boat unmanageable fire. Historians still argue about whether such a thing possible. There have been several experiments that show that, yes, although it would be difficult to concentrate light into one point on a rocking boat. Incidentally Archimedes helped Syrakusanům once more interesting weapons. On the walls erected pulley, which attached long poles with iron hooks on the end. Defenders caught using hooks enemy ships as fish, pulleys is hauled to the surface and perverted backward.
Hasan al-Rammah lived in the 13th century and was one of the greatest inventors of medieval Syria. First brought into the Islamic world gunpowder, and invented a life for over one hundred explosives. Today he is known primarily as the creator of the first torpedo. He called him literally "self-propelled burning egg." Sz consisted brassiere of two iron plates, which were filled with gunpowder and tied together by a belt. Behind the torpedo fastened the rocket that drove him forward, and two arrows on the sides to keep track of. It was a lethal brassiere weapon brassiere used against the crusader ships against which it could not defend itself - only hope he misses brassiere or disappears. A recent attempt brassiere on US television showed that such a torpedo really works and is able to wreak enormous havoc.
The first repeating brassiere rifle was constructed in the early 19th century. It was a great advance since allowed to shoot more shots without having to recharge every time. But the Chinese have been using repeaters more than two thousand years ago. Although it was only a crossbow. Meter long and was produced from bamboo. It was therefore despite its dimensions very light. The body was attached stack up to ten arrows. Reloading brassiere the stretching lever and excelled at incredible speed. Experienced shooter was able to empty the whole magazine in fifteen seconds! Just imagine: the same cadence is legendary M1 Garand rifle used by American soldiers during the Second World War. The disadvantage crossbow was short range and weak punch - for example could shoot through armor. The soldiers brassiere therefore often dipped in poison darts to increase its efficiency.
Gunpowder comes from China. The first written brassiere records of this explosive mixture of sulfur, potassium nitrate and other additives date back to the early 9th century. They were discovered coincidence local alchemists, when trying to mix the elixir of immortality. One Chinese legend even tells of a high imperial official named Wan Hu, who wanted closer to the stars. He therefore decided to build a spaceship. 47 rockets attached to the chair on which he sat up and he cunningly still strapped to the cosmos from their ark from falling. Servants, ordered them deducted and start fires missiles. Followed by a huge explosion. When the smoke and dust dispersed brassiere servants saw that Wan Hu and his throne are gone. They were satisfied that the mission succeeded. About 500 years later they decided to start to perform the same show Mythbusters. You know what they found? That Wan Hu flew with his chair up. But he really brassiere did not reach into space.
Varhanová gun was the forerunner of modern guns. The disadvantage of early firearms brassiere were lengthy charging. Therefore he began to emerge Multibarreled guns that could fire 40 bullets at a time. It was used mainly against soldiers. Against walls and walls, by contrast, shot from the jednohlavňových big guns. Varhanového cannon shot from just managed brassiere to bring down a wide range of enemies at once. The first time he used the English King Edward III. during the Hundred Years' War. Later it became the favorite weapons in Renaissance Italy. Its development was even devoted and Leonardo da Vinci. He proposed rapid-cannon with three rows of folding major. From one you shot, the second would be felt more after the shot, and the third one would be your colleague reloaded.
Probably the most dangerous weapon of its time owned the Byzantine Empire. It was called Greek fire, and was a potent flamethrower. According to records, the Greek fire was invented in 672 AD Byzantium was the owner of the most feared fleet in the Mediterranean. Not surprisingly, it is hauled on board the Greek fire. It was a container filled with a combustible mixture that soldiers warmed, pressurized and lighted squirted into enemy barges (exact description brassiere see below). Composition of the mixture was strictly guarded formulas, according brassiere to contemporary scientists, however, were about oil, which stemmed freely around the Black Sea, accompanied by bad luck from pine, sulfur and quicklime. Greek fire metal flames at a distance of 15 meters and decimated the crew and the ship's equipment. Since it was burning oil, it was almost impossible to extinguish the fire. The enemies have learned this invincible weapon to face the fraud. They kept a distance, so they started a fire nedošlehl with him in

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