Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Last ten, ten in South Africa within five years, we are witnessing a strong current workerism born.

Workerism, and at different duster times in different regions of the world have become an ideology. At the end of the nineteenth duster century and early twentieth century workerism is one of the wrong approach had to deal with the new international workers' movement duster and to criticize. İşçicilikl about the workers in the party, many important debate was conducted in the unions and after the national liberation movement. We are struggling in South Africa, we can draw important lessons from this historical criticism. We will deal with local versions workerism in this article.
As stated in the name workerism, duster one way or another, it concentrates on the narrow sense of the working class. Working class as workerism also identified correctly, is the most progressive duster class in capitalist society. However, it connects real workerism quite mechanical and one-sided manner.
Depending on the time and space workerism shows a portion or all of the following characteristics in its practice. The following is determined to be raised in the first plan: "pure" sense approach, saying that the most important issue of all of the issues of the working class, is doubtful. The general trend of workerism, duster mainly over wages and working conditions, and think the only plant-based struggles. In fact, these issues are important issues for workerism. In addition to other issues, production (factory) non-issues are handled as secondary issues. This means that it tends to underestimate the importance of the struggle for state power workerism. We mean the state government, police, army, courts, and administrative control over the parliament.
Another trend is that containing the working class outside of workerism duster segments suspicious alliance and fight against all kinds of people. In fact, nowhere in the world has the working class to achieve victory without the alliance of other groups. Trying to isolate workers everywhere received power of the working duster class has had to struggle against thick workerism ideology.
Last ten, ten in South Africa within five years, we are witnessing a strong current workerism born. Before looking more closely at this trend, which enables the development of custom, we need to understand the historical conditions.
Following the terrible media sixties emerged in South Africa the first true mass-based, progressive organizations were the unions. This re-emergence history goes back to 1973. Face in the same year in Durban thousand workers went on strike. This wave of strikes has precedent. In the following years, the unions began to emerge in all major urban centers.
The main participants in this process: the workers, the South African Congress of Trade Unions' s (SACT) to jail recently emerged veteran labor leader, and (if not all) white an important part, were young intellectuals from the university.
The development of workerism needs to be looked at more closely, this third group. Young intellectuals made significant contributions in the first period of the reconstruction of progressive trade unions. Advice, resources and They assisted in areas such as organizational skills. The ideological background of a significant portion of these enlightened "academic" or "legal" was Marxism. This kind of learned from a Marxist university books, duster not sharpened and tested in mass struggle.
Of course, this could be seen as a problem of intellectuals. To develop progressive ideas through small reading groups in the heavy media in the early seventies was not easy. This "academic Marxism" was very European in general character of vengeance. It was not rooted in the struggle in South Africa.
One of these intellectuals, when I look back on these words are officers: "I have read many thick Marxist book. They were about to Britain and France. Freedom Convention (*) or difficult economic theory before I knew it all without the campaign for a daily wage of gaks fifty pounds. "
The organization of mass trade unions at the end of the seventies, they changed some intellectuals, members of this group, and they deepen their views. The history of our struggle, traditions, began learning strategies and tactics. However, the opinions of others, the universities they have adhered to the background. This last group was the most active workerist ideologues.
In the middle duster of the seventies, in the new union and outside, have been several discussions. One of the discussion was about the political involvement of unions. Some wanted to smudge the union policy. According to them, the only chance for the survival of the union and the growth was concentrated in the narrow sense of labor issues.
The apartheid regime in the early seventies at this point and you need to keep in mind that the bosses are trying to crush the new unions. They were trying to turn into a puppet of the union committee. Progressive unions in this period were quite small and inexperienced.
In the country after the 1976-1977

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