Saturday, January 31, 2015

There is no freedom in the times we live in; We do not know what freedom means. We want to be free,

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Love and Freedom With 0 Comments, Category: Awareness, Relationships, Personal Growth, Healing Club blog, spiritual journey, life Tags: awareness, J. Krishnamurti, freedom, love, healing, spiritual journey, what does it mean to love the life someone you know?
A tree, a bird, is something a little how to love animals? Also does not give you nothing in return, though it does in the shade, you not followed on, you remain connected to the look at her, cherish her, to show her affection ...
Perhaps all of what I said about some of you did not understand the full meaning of freedom. However, as I have already underlined, to new ideas, to be open to what you are accustomed to is really important. Of course it is good to see that beautiful; bh bikes but ugly things in life that you must observe. Everything should be on the lookout. Likewise, you should be completely open to anything bh bikes you do not understand; because one way or another, it will be difficult for you to think on the subject, how many, how you chew them up, your capacity to live a rich life would be so high.
Early this morning, I do not know whether the sunlight hits the water it was you who noticed. How was soft light and dark waters of individual stars in the sky, how he was dancing with the stars on the morning of the trees. I did notice that you get one of these?
Or you were too full, every day in this world you have been very busy schedule your routine - this world is to live on all of us - would you forgot the rich beauty? Perhaps you did not know anyway. We ourselves nor shall we say, communist or capitalist, Hindu or Buddhist, Muslim or Christian; blind, lame, healthy, happy, let us in this world if we like. Do you understand? This is our world, not someone else's; bh bikes this is not only the world of the rich and powerful executives only, not of noble landowner; This is our world; you and me. We live in an ever though we still on this earth and we have to live together. This is also the world's poor as well as rich, literate is as ignorant as is also the world; This is our world, and to feel it; the world not only in occasional bh bikes morning full of peace, love always is absolutely crucial. When we understand what it is but freedom can feel that it is our world and we love him.
There is no freedom in the times we live in; We do not know what freedom means. We want to be free, but if you've noticed everyone - teachers, parents, lawyers, policemen, soldiers, politicians, business adamları- in your own little corner, doing something to prevent this freedom. What do you want to be free or it is not connecting you to escape from external conditions; to fully understand the problem actually is not connected. So you know what it is to be connected? You are connected to your family, right? Your teachers, your cook, you are connected to the postman or a milkman and a lot to se. Such a commitment can be easily understood. bh bikes But there is a kind of commitment to be free to go to the deeper human need to understand this before:
Being connected to one another to be happy. Do you know what that means being connected to someone else to be happy? Here not only the physical commitment in question; but rather you remove the so-called inner happiness, psychological commitment. If you are connected to one because in this way, you become a slave. When you are older, emotionally your family, your wife or your husband, slavery has already started or if you are connected to the idea of a guru. Most of us, especially the young, the item will be if we wanted to, we mean it.
We need to remove the head of all the internal commitment to be free; but we do not understand why we can not revolt is connected. To understand that, really it free from all internal commitment, we can not be free; freedom is only possible because this insight.
But it is not just a simple response. Do you know what's response? If I say anything bh bikes to hurt you, if you will I put an ugly name, and you are angry at me, that would be reaction - a reaction born of devotion; and independence is the next reaction. But freedom is not a reaction and response we understand it is not possible until freedom beyond bh bikes it.
Do you know what it means to love someone? A tree, a bird, is something a little how to love animals? Also does not give anything in return for you, in the shade, though it does, you not followed in, you remain connected bh bikes to the look at her, cherish bh bikes her, to show her affection ... Most of us do not like this way; Our love always, at the same time pointing to the internal sense, we want to be loved, we are bound to someone else, worry, jealousy, fear is surrounded by a fence of this type of love is something we do not know how. Not only love; something in return

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