Charlotte Figi's Story Brings Families to Colorado for Her Medical Marijuana Strain - Hit & Run :
CNN In August, the remarkable story of Charlotte Figi, a now 7-year-old girl whose dangerous, frequent seizures resisted all treatments until medical marijuana, prompted CNN's medical expert Sanjay lazaro wedding dresses Gupta to overcome his own resistance to the drug's use.
Today CBS News follows up to note that apparently dozens of other families are now making the trek to Colorado lazaro wedding dresses in order to get access to the same strain of marijuana, known as "Charlotte's Web," for children also suffering from rare epileptic disorders that are defying treatment. They spoke to another family who came to Colorado and saw similarly effective results:
The family of 20-month-old Maggie Selmeski moved from Tennessee to Colorado last November seeking Charlotte s Web. Her mom, Rachel, told CBS News' Teri Okita that her daughter would suffer up to 500 seizures a day, and epilepsy medication did not help. However, Charlotte s Web has reduced the seizures lazaro wedding dresses drastically, she said.
And then, of course, all this good news is followed by this sentence: "Doctors warn there is no proof that Charlotte's Web is effective, or even safe." lazaro wedding dresses Another doctor pointed out there's no "peer-reviewed study" yet. It's the kind of statement that tends to fall on the deaf ears of parents whose kids are having hundreds of seizures that defy all treatment and who are diplomatically being told not to get terribly attached to their progeny. These aren't ulcer treatments the parents are looking for, and based on the reporting on children with this rare version of epilepsy, it's not like they're giving up tried-and-true conventional medical treatments for homeopathic remedies or magic crystals. Modern medicine was unable lazaro wedding dresses to fix these problems. What else are the parents supposed to do? (And do we need to get into how the lack of research into the effectiveness of marijuana as a medical treatment is a direct consequence of the country's own drug policies in the first place?)
Editor's Note : We invite comments and request lazaro wedding dresses that they be civil and on-topic. We do not moderate or assume any responsibility for comments, which are owned by the readers lazaro wedding dresses who post them. Comments do not represent the views of or Reason Foundation. We reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason at any time. Report abuses .
Transporting a minor across state lines for the purposes of acquisition of controlled lazaro wedding dresses substances, along with disbursement of said substances to the minor in question? I can only imagine they're itching at the prospect...
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Jesus Christ, the extract they're using doesn't lazaro wedding dresses even seem to have much of the typical psychoactive substance in it. It's a completely separate chemical that has the antiseizure properties. People freaking out about this are getting hung up on the source. It's like... chemical guilt-by-association. *WHAAAAAAAARGARBL!*
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Statist: "well, if it was MY child of COURSE I would use this because clearly it is better than epileptic fits all day long, but I think I speak for everyone lazaro wedding dresses in stating that more vigorous research lazaro wedding dresses is needed before this becomes a viable solution. You know, for the children."
reply to this
Seizures changed my mind on medical reefer. A paraplegic friend used to suffer terrible seizures. One evening, she started to go into seizures. She lit up a doobie and the seizures stopped immediately.
Exclusive: Here is the New Homeland Security Report on 'Sovereign Citizen Extremist' Violence
Cody Wilson's "Ghost Gunner": Banned by FedEx?
GET REASON MAGAZINE Get Reason's print or digital edition before it s posted online The Future of Money: 4 new ways we ll pay for stuff in 15 years Matt Welch: Kiss your financial privacy goodbye How the Fed Got Huge Jacob Sullum: Obama s dumb, rash, and unilateral war. And much more.
Lauren Galik Obamacare Jonathan Gruber s Excuse for his Obamacare Subsidies Speak-O Grows Weaker Still
Emily Ekins 35 Percent of Americans Want Pension lazaro wedding dresses Reform to be Top Priority for Govt
Donate: lazaro wedding dresses Donate Online Donate via Fax or Mail Why Support Reason? Donation FAQ Stock Donations Planned Giving Shop to Support Reason Links: Home About Reason Foundation Cover Gallery Reason TV Events lazaro wedding dresses Advertise Staff Contributors Widgets lazaro wedding dresses Subscribe: Subscribe to the Print Magazine Reason Mobile Apps Apple Newsstand E-Reader Subscriptions Give Reason as a Gift Back Issues Subscription Services Subscription Questions Email Newsletters Contact: News Tips Site Technology Questions Media Inquiries Reprint Permissions Submissions Editorial & Production Offices 5737 Mesmer Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90230 (310) 391-2245 Washington Office 1747 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 986-0916
CNN In August, the remarkable story of Charlotte Figi, a now 7-year-old girl whose dangerous, frequent seizures resisted all treatments until medical marijuana, prompted CNN's medical expert Sanjay lazaro wedding dresses Gupta to overcome his own resistance to the drug's use.
Today CBS News follows up to note that apparently dozens of other families are now making the trek to Colorado lazaro wedding dresses in order to get access to the same strain of marijuana, known as "Charlotte's Web," for children also suffering from rare epileptic disorders that are defying treatment. They spoke to another family who came to Colorado and saw similarly effective results:
The family of 20-month-old Maggie Selmeski moved from Tennessee to Colorado last November seeking Charlotte s Web. Her mom, Rachel, told CBS News' Teri Okita that her daughter would suffer up to 500 seizures a day, and epilepsy medication did not help. However, Charlotte s Web has reduced the seizures lazaro wedding dresses drastically, she said.
And then, of course, all this good news is followed by this sentence: "Doctors warn there is no proof that Charlotte's Web is effective, or even safe." lazaro wedding dresses Another doctor pointed out there's no "peer-reviewed study" yet. It's the kind of statement that tends to fall on the deaf ears of parents whose kids are having hundreds of seizures that defy all treatment and who are diplomatically being told not to get terribly attached to their progeny. These aren't ulcer treatments the parents are looking for, and based on the reporting on children with this rare version of epilepsy, it's not like they're giving up tried-and-true conventional medical treatments for homeopathic remedies or magic crystals. Modern medicine was unable lazaro wedding dresses to fix these problems. What else are the parents supposed to do? (And do we need to get into how the lack of research into the effectiveness of marijuana as a medical treatment is a direct consequence of the country's own drug policies in the first place?)
Editor's Note : We invite comments and request lazaro wedding dresses that they be civil and on-topic. We do not moderate or assume any responsibility for comments, which are owned by the readers lazaro wedding dresses who post them. Comments do not represent the views of or Reason Foundation. We reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason at any time. Report abuses .
Transporting a minor across state lines for the purposes of acquisition of controlled lazaro wedding dresses substances, along with disbursement of said substances to the minor in question? I can only imagine they're itching at the prospect...
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Jesus Christ, the extract they're using doesn't lazaro wedding dresses even seem to have much of the typical psychoactive substance in it. It's a completely separate chemical that has the antiseizure properties. People freaking out about this are getting hung up on the source. It's like... chemical guilt-by-association. *WHAAAAAAAARGARBL!*
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Statist: "well, if it was MY child of COURSE I would use this because clearly it is better than epileptic fits all day long, but I think I speak for everyone lazaro wedding dresses in stating that more vigorous research lazaro wedding dresses is needed before this becomes a viable solution. You know, for the children."
reply to this
Seizures changed my mind on medical reefer. A paraplegic friend used to suffer terrible seizures. One evening, she started to go into seizures. She lit up a doobie and the seizures stopped immediately.
Exclusive: Here is the New Homeland Security Report on 'Sovereign Citizen Extremist' Violence
Cody Wilson's "Ghost Gunner": Banned by FedEx?
GET REASON MAGAZINE Get Reason's print or digital edition before it s posted online The Future of Money: 4 new ways we ll pay for stuff in 15 years Matt Welch: Kiss your financial privacy goodbye How the Fed Got Huge Jacob Sullum: Obama s dumb, rash, and unilateral war. And much more.
Lauren Galik Obamacare Jonathan Gruber s Excuse for his Obamacare Subsidies Speak-O Grows Weaker Still
Emily Ekins 35 Percent of Americans Want Pension lazaro wedding dresses Reform to be Top Priority for Govt
Donate: lazaro wedding dresses Donate Online Donate via Fax or Mail Why Support Reason? Donation FAQ Stock Donations Planned Giving Shop to Support Reason Links: Home About Reason Foundation Cover Gallery Reason TV Events lazaro wedding dresses Advertise Staff Contributors Widgets lazaro wedding dresses Subscribe: Subscribe to the Print Magazine Reason Mobile Apps Apple Newsstand E-Reader Subscriptions Give Reason as a Gift Back Issues Subscription Services Subscription Questions Email Newsletters Contact: News Tips Site Technology Questions Media Inquiries Reprint Permissions Submissions Editorial & Production Offices 5737 Mesmer Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90230 (310) 391-2245 Washington Office 1747 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 986-0916
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