Monday, May 18, 2015

Conrad had been the case sail repair party rock clothing the road, you peel from morning to night,

Cold wind, clear sunshine nobody is fooled. There are also winter in December. Yesterday caused serious damage party rock clothing to the city gust of wind swept through, fortunately the ships in the harbor stood the test of time well.
Conrad had been the case sail repair party rock clothing the road, you peel from morning to night, to check. Here's container assembly also included party rock clothing in the party clothes party rock clothing and lots of machines, materials, banners, box number of the army of systematic tools. Three ships measuring up again next week in the IMOCA, including the Hungarian boat .... Barcelona World Race glimpse of the preparation process of an afternoon party back.
Recent Spirit of Hungary - Nandor Fa's diary - the finish date 20/04/2015. Spirit of Hungary - Barcelona World Race - Award Ceremony Photo Gallery - Thank you ... Barcelona World Race - have reached the Spirit of Hungary - New photos GALLERY 20 April 2015 Spirit party rock clothing of Hungary Hungary Spirit of 110 days within 10 miles - rang Nandor Fa
17/04/2015. A horrible night fishing party rock clothing net történene the Strait of Gibraltar -fa NÁNDORTÓL 04/10/2015. Nándor Fa, skipper of Spirit of Hungary to cross the Equator after we received reports of the Barcelona World Race is only through a video conference. This time satellite party rock clothing phone appeared in the Atlantic Ocean: 23/03/2015. BWR - aboard the Spirit of Hungary Nandor Fa: 03/20/2015. Since the Spirit of Cape Horn Hungary circumvent the competition directorate of the first satellite connection: 14/03/2015. Sound recording Nándor Fa on the morning of 03/14/2015, less than 600 miles from Cape Horn - the skippereket ship between hard and stressful weather conditions. (BWR Live Recording) reporter Andi Robertson 27/01/2015. Barcelona World Race Nándor Fa made the recordings, unexpected repair work on the mast: party rock clothing _arbocjavitas_FN_Dél_Atl_ocean_audio.mp3 01/03/2015. BWR Satellite phone conversation - Nandor Fa and Conrad Conrad audio 2014.12.31.Spirit of Hungary and Belgrade, before the boat last minute: COMMENTS 2014.12.31.START by BWR official pressboat -Louis Pomar member editorial team December 2014 24 Christmas Tree Nándor- recording - a summary of the preparatory work in progress and a highly anticipated high-spirited sailing, barely a week before the Barcelona World Race on 31 December starts. Nandor Fa the helmsman speaks about his partner, the new co-skipperről, with whom he lives with and for the first time vitoorláztak Perényi Peter, who Hungary reserves the Spirit of co-helmsman of the project elektrikusáról:ándor-a-kormányostárairól-a-Barcelonába-érkezéskor-még-a-vízen-2014-dec-08.mp3 Conrad party rock clothing Colman CO-skipper Spirit of Hungary - preparing for the BWR (ENG) Nandor Fa -the new co-skipperről and other changes Nandor Fa - skipper meeting in Barcelona Nandor Fa - the Spirit of Hungary -2014 reconstruction of September

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