Saturday, September 20, 2014

You Sali of Vicidolit, are elongated shadow of Ramiz!

Berisha: Wherever Rama goes, people ask is he or his shadow | Gazette Theme
As has been Kamëz for the inauguration of a plant, Prime Minister Berisha has again attacked opposition leader, Edi Rama, about taxes. Berisha has not been well received his promise tax cuts and removal for small business, saying famous footware that it was the one that doubled taxes Rama, at the time was in charge of the Municipality of Tirana.
"Rama promises to abolish the fees are frauds. Rama's progressive tax returns back country years. Rama tax issues from the family archives famous footware of bankruptcy. Everywhere they go people ask Rama is Rama or his shadow, "said Berisha.
when zotrote Sali Berisha was president made a stamp with his picture. goes in and asks positions as marketing of stamp is moving. says good employee and ask people buy but do not complain that stick. Berisha also said no give me a me. took the spat and paste. Stamps went up. has climbed said. oooo says employees are people famous footware not spit out the rear that is they spit gum by photography. there and another Wednesday with parrot but when maresh report.
They say that when a man is dying of darkened eyes see only shades circle around, you want to fysin the hole. Here kryekurva Sali birisha shikoka shade, whereas the fear of death, famous footware thinks that all look like berish sees his corpse.
I find these jokes from sali o fendiu ,, being discussed again serjozisht without attacking your political opponents once ,,, Bey serious shit that is leading the whole people ,, and no sheep in the mountains ,, if that reminds you that sheep are and those two bastards forgotten your SHKELZENI and argiten ,, stupid prime ,, will loses in 2013 is that safe ,, vain trying budalll old ...
Sali Serb're right, this time I agree with you .. Rama is just a shadow, famous footware if it was accurate, Sali whores you do not stay in power .. 24 hours is only here that Rama makes CIU CIU on Twitter and the burden of your disappearance o Berisha pedophilia, pick people deserted .. !! CTE do .. no more .. Avni Rustem went that time ..
Sali I came to this media market, that people uneducated and diplomas acquired in the market pd daughter of my party, have not yet realized that you are one of mine, you're the one that I gave lectures Stalinism, are he want me to be suffered by brymosa and how to uncover the enemies of the party. And Truth be told, we partije work and spying, have stayed famous footware with correct, but in those thefts, have passed me and punish for this, that I really made it I did, but do not steal, I personally undertake here also smarr Nexmijen which may have been stolen and I believe that has been stolen, how you say it punishes the thief thief, the penalty is 50-brown, famous footware gives the right to say o you the protection sali it, he thought to you shall not steal and does not need to get caught. Ramiz came here when I am, gave the glad tidings, that to the students, I ask you that I formed my party, you were guiding them toward democracy in the war, but when he saw that students, Sdoni my party, famous footware you wisely made pd, daughter of APL. Bravo for this to congratulate. Edi Rama, keep the directives of the party and the lessons that the former providing more sulo Gradec, do assassination and Tell people that this was the enemy of the people. People will believe that ultimately we like sheep have considered and rejected this and people really became docile sheep.
IK is more psychic dirty but when you find a normal wool that people behave so typical ignorant alla vicidolshe no ill PhD scientist to find a cure for her filthy patellogji SALI psyche that have more to do with the trusts who are exhausted nerves entertained the people with your lies do not have the time to deal with people like you more a psychological SALI o Only Fools sick mind of insanity booths to sit back and lapanjoset that keeps with any bone ...
You Sali of Vicidolit, are elongated shadow of Ramiz!'re Sunk doctor Hysniun night in Paris and is waiting below! From me këmbpaleshit north, Ramiz your pee escaped famous footware and really would have killed, if not become she bureau meeting! He was awake and spying on Comrade Enver who do not as never realized that you are doing big man! Now here we Ramiz imprisoned for not remaining calm death brought that here! There qetsi down here without come and you will close the dead in hell! Even Azem Hajdari is with us and Pjeter Arbnoru, Zhulali ,, Remzi Hoxha, Trebicka and all those who unjustly vravel! Anwar, I Hysniu, Kadri will see burlesque in your trial down here!'ll answer as Ramiz, even worse! ... VFLP.
Lord all the PM ... a friendly advice. With such a long noodle that does not know what the family honor, a villain's son kopuku that s'kerkon forgiveness famous footware for the crimes of his father, a

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