Saturday, November 2, 2013

Drexler, one of the most popular musicians in Latin America and Spain did not forget brook brothers

Drexler, one of the most popular musicians in Latin America and Spain did not forget brook brothers his Hebrew sophomore in Kiryat Ono and ready to be labeled it as "world music." Pending the appearance Israel is returning to the roots of the Jews and says his opinion brook brothers about Americans not to let him sing Oscars
Surprisingly, telephone interview brook brothers with Jorge Drexler eve of his country on Friday brook brothers conducted mostly pleasant mix of Spanish, English and Hebrew. Uruguayan singer apparently lived in Madrid for 20 years and became one of the artists in the last decade Latino - Americans successful in the world, spent a year in Israel when he was 17 and had to learn Hebrew in an ulpan and learn a sophomore in high school in Kiryat Ono. Although recently visited Israel 13 years ago, he was able to maintain excellent Hebrew brook brothers with an accent that would shame South Americans living in Israel for many years. Drexler around the world for many years, especially on the line between Spain and South America, but maintains a close relationship with Israel, and this is also probably brook brothers why he agreed to perform intimate composition Barby club, much smaller than in the halls and stadiums he usually appears in front of thousands.
Drexler was born in Montevideo to a Jewish father whose parents left Europe before the Holocaust if born in Uruguay who converted. He describes his mother as 'religion' brook brothers and himself as one who grew up B"hloc brook brothers and forth "between different identities. On the one hand attended a Jewish school, went to traffic, and Minister cantor in the synagogue, and on the other hand absorbed the culture and identity of national Uruguayan earned. Judaism Drexler's very present in his work and he says that "the question brook brothers of identity brook brothers and especially my Jewish identity is as a central theme and is very important in my work. Entire life vacillating between different identities - a Jew, even Uruguay, for a certain period Israel and has been for many years a Spaniard. Wrote many songs my Jewish roots, as I did many other issues related to identity as male and parenting. brook brothers "
The song reflects more than the connection to Jewish roots of his is also one of the most beautiful and successful of his - milonga del moro judio (Milonga of the Muslim Jewish) includes the lines "I am an Arab Jew living in a Christian, I do not know what God is mine and who are my brothers" and " war is a very bad book, no matter how you present it. Excuse me swear not to any flag. " According to Drexler song not only speaks about his childhood as a Jew who lived from non-Jews, but also his attitude towards the political situation in Israel today, and the urgent need for a solution to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict and religious conflicts at all. "After the attacks on trains in Madrid major in 2004 made this song nonstop media in Spain and I am very proud of it, even if it made me appear under Security because of the extreme right wing in Spain threatened my life, they probably do not really understand the song."
Like many artists from Latin America Drexler also having difficulties meeting with his U.S. market. "Journalists and record companies are trying to paste labels on musicians to sell more records. I strongly object to the label 'world music' or 'music Ltinit' tried to infect me over the years, it's a bit like saying a musician he belongs to all the others.'" Precisely at the height of his success in the U.S. Drexler's name was associated with an unpleasant affair. Drexler in 2004 became the first musician in history to win the Academy Award for a song in Spanish, thanks to the song "otro lado del rio" from "The brook brothers Motorcycle Diaries" is based on the diaries Che Guevara brook brothers . production ceremony decided Drexler is not enough known to appear at the ceremony was carried out by the song player Antonio Andres and musician Carlos Santana. Drexler anger evident even today, this incident still annoying him, although he did not attribute her political weight. "had a problem with the Academy" He says, "They made a nice move when I finally gave award to sing in Spanish, but the production was operated television ratings considerations only and required rite known artists appear broad international level. So when Prince invited me on stage to accept the statuette I decided to sing a few lines from the song instead speak words of thanks - it was my revenge elegant part of the Hollywood establishment conservative yet respect and our culture. After all, it is unthinkable to take a song with rhythm and melody brook brothers from La Plata and give it a Cuban or Mexican singer, this complete lack of understanding of the gaps and differences between different Latin cultures. But I think that today the situation has been quite different in the U.S., is really the way to being a bi - lingual and Hispanics there are significant political and cultural significant. Generally I do not feel any sense of inferiority in relation to the U.S. and Americans. This is a country that fascinates me and horrifies me at the same time and in any case interested in being there. "
Drexler is a musician standing seam between the two generations and between two cultural worlds - on one side giants like Mercedes Sosa, Victor Jara and Caetano Veloso are present in the creation and form of his submission (and Sosa also recorded a beautiful song) and on the other hand the younger generation and new music in Latin America who could revive the local cultural roots through global influences and technological innovations. Drexler calls them "citizens of the world" and among other things he collaborates regularly with members of the "Bahofondo" electronic composition - the world's most important tango and played and sang Anna's final album Tiz'o Htz'ilnit, rising brook brothers star of hip - hop South American. In his performances he combines his guitar alongside traditional tools also Samflrim, turntables and even tenor - On a special futuristic synth lights. Although brook brothers this is an intimate performance in a compact ensemble, Drexler assured that all of these elements will be reflected brook brothers to Barbie this Friday and is definitely something to watch.
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