Tuesday, February 18, 2014

29 November is Kaliburi Tsilbasi-region residents forever remembered as a tragedy. Indeed, cabas th

29 November is Kaliburi Tsilbasi-region residents forever remembered as a tragedy. Indeed, cabas this very day, drove through the city-wide celebrity cow Krasnoe Vostok, whose record-breaking year yield was not able to repeat the cow alone in the world. When the car reached the main street of the exhibition, opened by Dmitry auto electrician sewer manhole beside the cow particularly good position in the top picture. Krasnaya Vostok frightened, began to break down over time and eventually around the car. The result was dismal: One dead and two injured teat. Newspapers wrote of the union happened. Party in the case is not like that. This was followed by the arrests. cabas Dmitry capitalists were labeled a spy and given a jail penalty. Mayor's office if the party so Kubruskin forced to resign. It also had to say goodbye to all the work of the collective farm management and kalurikombinaadi leading electrical Giovanni arms race. Arms race was not a stupid man. He knew that something was wrong. When at home, drank a liter of vodka, and he went straight to sleep. After the hangover he was ready for action.

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