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Russian investigators have polaarjäässe drilled 3770 meters depth of the hole, which extends from end to end massive place Vostok freshwater lake - water bodies that have remained intact four times longer than the time that has elapsed, when the human species parted monkeys, mediated by the Daily Telegraph.
So deep hole drilling has spent 22 years working party. The day after the attainment of the objective baby led weaning they had to leave before baby led weaning it ends with a brief Antarctic summer and too cold air cools the aircraft to fly.
In addition to the natural hazards that lie in the investigators have become an important issue in all her most intact natural object of the pollution risk, so scientists look exceptionally great pains to prevent the outside world from germs and chemicals into the depths of Vostok igipimendatud.
What, however, is expected to generate in the future throughout the samples? Lewis Dartnell of University College London astrobioloogiadoktor argues that this may be a breakthrough in the field of exploration for both forms of life on Earth and elsewhere in the universe.
"This environment is absolutely impeccably preserved," he stressed. "Discovered a lost world would be like - we do not have a clue what was, after 20 million years of isolation from the rest of the biosphere may be found., Even if microbial life is found only, in any case, it is a completely novel environment."
Also, independent of the nature of the lake can be very helpful. A complete understanding of the Vostok lämmastikutsüklite baby led weaning carbon and other nutrients, and the precise nature of the elements of the circulation should give an idea of how they are interconnected throughout the world operate.
However, baby led weaning Vostok is the most exciting function to reflect other worlds. There are few places on Earth - the Atacama Desert in Chile, for example, or kuivorud McMurdo Antarctica - which is analogous to the Martian environment for yourself: cold, dry and tough. Lake Vostok and other Antarctic lakes ice surface bases pose analogous to Jupiter's icy Euro Pale bullets, which are considered the most likely place in the solar system where life might be found.
"Europa is also located several kilometers below the ocean under the ice and into the sun is not up to the light," said Dr Dartnell. "Thus, the Vostok lake in a very similar baby led weaning habitat, which does not rely on plants or produced by oxygen or toitaineile."
Pilkaselt dominant in the lake environment is dark, cold and incredibly huge high pressure (about 35 megapascals or 350 kg per square centimeter). However, it is certainly possible that there are complex forms of life out there.
"The big focus is not a problem, as well as animal life is found in very high pressure at the bottom of the ocean," explained Dr Dartnell. Mariana Deep deepest point, the Challenger Deep at 10,900 meters below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, where the pressure in excess of 1400 kg per square centimeter, live fish and crabs.
"There probably is not enough energy in the system to maintain animal life," said Dr Dartnell. "And almost certainly have Anoxic Lake Vostok - the local water is not completely dissolved oxygen. Yet a year ago was not aware of any case in which the animals were able to go through the life cycle without oxygen."
The anaerobic multicellular rüülooma last year's discovery of the Mediterranean Sea north of sediment has overturned much of what we thought we know about animal life, but the likelihood that something like this again repeated, is extremely small.
No matter what Vostokist the near term, however, can be found, it is the opinion of Dr. Dartnelli anyway to be something special and unique - forms of life which mankind has not ever met. "This discovery sheds light on the distant võõrmaailmadele definitely," he stressed.
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