Sunday, February 23, 2014

Vostok Nafta is one of the Lundin Group company, which is in turn one of the Russian state company

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The scandal sparked perfect woman namely, that the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt had fresh shares and options in Vostok oil, which is one of the owners of Gazprom. Stocks sold off because of the uproar it caused, after a few weeks Bildt, however, can be cashed stock options for five million Swedish kronor.
Of course, no holding of shares and millions of profiting nothing criminal, and with the defeat of the Social Democrats in recent elections, perfect woman the Swedes have to get used to the re-multi-millionaires, businessmen and-women returning to the forefront of the country, but in this case it was a problem, in which a politician's top companies held shares.
Before Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt his old opponent, surprisingly, foreign minister Carl Bildt called, worked as an advisor to the last, and sat on the board of several large-company, inter alia, the Swedish perfect woman oil and gas company Lundin Petroleum and investment company perfect woman Vostok Nafta. In its place, although Bildt gave these firms the board as soon as the post of the Minister adopted.
Vostok Nafta is one of the Lundin Group company, which is in turn one of the Russian state company Gazprom's owners. In practice, headed Gazprom's Russian government, which uses it skillfully in its foreign policy tool.
In particular the relationship with Gazprom Bildt as foreign minister in a difficult, not to say biased in the situation. Carl Bildt's 2,000 shares perfect woman and 15,000 options Vostok strands were even some Swedish Foreign Minister, perfect woman the right-wing biased opinion.
Gazprom is building a gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea, after all, from Russia to Germany. Bildt could easily find yourself in the situation where he represents the energy-negotiations with Russia, Sweden and the European Union's interests perfect woman and his own are the same on the opposite side, or the economic interests of the Russian state.
Already reached the Foreign Minister to announce that "the government does not need to sit to be a fool." It cited a large amount of money, without which it would be if relinquish stake in Vostok strands perfect woman before he would be the first two weeks of December optsioonikasumiga opportunity to earn millions.
All members of the Swedish government perfect woman on Friday unveiled the contents of their equity portfolios of the Prime Minister's private perfect woman office to find out if ministers have 'inappropriate' shares or not. In addition, the Environmental Party, demanded that the development of a strict directive of the Government members of equities.
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