Friday, October 10, 2014

Here is this woman flustered. Many studies, especially in the use of vitamin B6 has been found to r

WOMEN of premenstrual tension | FINDIKB Blog
Many men and women recognize and understand, because women from premenstrual tension takes about a week at the beginning and can not understand. ktel The research has shown that many suicides, ktel particularly women, even intense fights and discussions are more crimes committed during this period. However, it's not that hard to understand if desired. Of course women have a world of their own, and I am aware that it is very difficult to get in there. But this world into a place and try to understand the most accurate guess ...
First, you must know the needs of women. With the men want from women to understand itself, the underlying feeling like this must be the magic words, to understand. When the married relationship or when you want the peace of mind. Peace is a state founded ktel on mutual respect and confidence. But on top of all this is not enough dedication, honesty, friendly, attention, affection, surprise, and wait freedom. I am aware that expecting too much. All these requests to meet a man is not easy. Love is not easy, but since you did it this way. In a way you get to keep. Do not live alone in this world. Even if something is happening insipid lives.
Let us Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) 'or the definition of premenstrual distress among women; a major problem affecting ktel particularly fertile women. This syndrome usually three pieces, four days before the headache, ktel tension and irritability, fatigue, discomfort, and is characterized by joint pain. Nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, increased appetite, excessive thirst, palpitations, dizziness, drowsiness, ktel acne commonly seen in the emergence of symptoms.
One of the most prominent features of the physical premenstrual period, the body of excess water retention (edema) and swelling of the body is some places. Over this period, the amount of water held in the body weight can be up to 2-3. Accumulating edema spread to the whole body and is not much difference, unexplained weight gain, premenstrual water retention, this is the reason why. Water to accumulate in the body, is caused by the hormone progesterone. Water uptake is sometimes concentrated in certain organs and in the face, ankles, chest or abdominal bloating in presents itself. This is the reason why premenstrual bloating. It is also thought to affect brain edema, although there is no conclusive evidence yet.
Here is this woman flustered. Many studies, especially in the use of vitamin B6 has been found to reduce premenstrual tension. In connection ktel with this, 'PMS ktel Attack Plan' in his article, Dr. Mehmet Oz summary 'of vitamin ktel B6 reduces irritability and depression, unsalted nuts a good natural sources of vitamin B6 are told that.' "
Pre deti experienced diarrhea is related to the change in hormones. Abdominal pain and diarrhea are associated with excessive movement of the intestines, it is no way to avoid at least a daily intake of fiber is 30 grams. A diet rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables should be added. 4 grams of an apple, a cup of peas contains 8 grams of fiber. Daily consumption of nuts, as well as in fiber and magnesium will help to close this gap, 10 grams of fiber per 100 grams of nuts. High-fiber foods when taken regularly, can benefit from the beneficial effects. Suddenly, a very dense fibrous vegetables or fruit intake can worsen the problem. For a properly functioning digestive system is slow and continuous and at least take these supplements.
PMS and premenstrual tension may increase in the air and fluid retention. When the reason for this fluctuation estrogen, aldosterone and the kidneys is more holding water. Of course, if this is too much bloating may be a sign stimulus for some serious diseases. ktel To reduce the accumulation of fluid received daily 200 mg of magnesium. Unsalted pumpkin seeds, such as beans or magnesium-rich foods, it is a natural resource for minerals. One cup of beans, 100 mg of magnesium; In a handful of pumpkin seeds has 200 mg of magnesium.
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