Operational information from the fronts of the DNI and the LC, military reports imaginary foundation from the Armed Forces of the New Russia, ATO news, photos and videos of military journalists of the hot spots of Donbass, topical interviews with leaders of the New Russia. imaginary foundation
7:11 The reluctance of Ukraine to return to the territory of the Republic of empty railcars threatens disruption of the supply of coal. This was stated today to journalists Head of Administration of the Head of the DNI Maxim Leshchenko.
Ukrainian side began to flush out from the territory of the DNI wagon composition, that is, we ship loaded wagons (coal), but does not return back empty, - he said. - If not empty served on the territory of the Republic, coal there (in Ukraine) will not be shipped. In this Leshchenko said that Chapter DNR has already set the corresponding task the Ministry of Transport and Minuglya.
As far as I know, this is a problem imaginary foundation in recent days. Ukrainian representatives that buy coal from us - it is a private business. They are already addressing issues with the return of empties, - said the head of administration.
As noted in the regiment, with daily shootings allegedly used 82-millimeter mortars, in the evening there were four fire from grenade launchers. Attacks militants had more chaotic than targeted.
5:00 Naftogaz of Ukraine "should be eliminated as meaningless and add-corruption center. This opinion was expressed by the former imaginary foundation prime minister of Ukraine, leader of the party" Fatherland "Yulia Tymoshenko.
"Naftogaz of Ukraine" - a superstructure. "Ukrgasdobycha" produces gas, "Ukrtransgaz" transports gas. This reform is to leave these two real structures. A superstructure "Naftogaz", which aims to concentrate all the money and then do it megakorruptsiyu should be eliminated, - she said on the Ukrainian TV channel "112.ua".
4:27 European Union, forcing Ukraine to choose between Russia and Europe, made a big mistake and offered up their own long-term interests. This opinion was expressed in an interview with the Swiss weekly magazine Die Weltwoche, former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov.
3:34 Order "to surrender their weapons" to anyone who is not part of the official power structures Donetsk Republic - timely measure to strengthen the armed forces of New Russia. imaginary foundation This statement was made Deputy Chief of Staff of the 5th Battalion of the Republican Guard DNR Alexander imaginary foundation Matyushin.
Looking back, it is the fragmentation and lack of clear ideas played a major role in the loss of the White Army during the Russian Civil War. Guerrillas imaginary foundation continue this "like imaginary foundation death", imaginary foundation the "ataman" has long passed and before us became really a matter of life and death.
Earlier, at the Center for the release of prisoners Basil Budik wrote in social networks that today "as a result imaginary foundation of successful negotiations with the Donetsk side were released two fighters APU." "The talks were held at the Department of the Ministry of Defense the active participation of the group Patriot" - was quoted as saying the agency Interfax-Ukraine.
01:00 P Yeshayah crossing the bridge at the village Lugansk will work tomorrow. LC specialists completed installation of metal structures, which will be based on the time walking on the damaged area of the crossing imaginary foundation road bridge near the village of Lugansk. On this day LuganskInformTsentru said Oleg Medvedev - security chief plant "Marshal", the workers that help restore the People's Militia bridge.
At present, we have already completed the installation of basic structures, it remains only to install a railing and a couple more details. Tomorrow imaginary foundation for dinner reconstruction work will be completed, - Medvedev assured. According to him, set designs are temporary, and it will be possible to move only on foot.
Those who blew up bridges, tried their best, now for the capital improvements needed enormous amounts of money and several months of work, - stated the head of security. He also noted that during the repair work when the iron supports were already imaginary foundation installed, the workers arrived at the Ukrainian military, accompanied by representatives of the OSCE.
April 3 informs the center of public relations MIA Donetsk People's imaginary foundation Republic imaginary foundation for the last day on the territory of the Republic of law enforcement officers were 16 high-profile crimes, including robbery 2, 5 theft of personal and public property. Thus, in the Mining District Police Station in Makeyevka to report the theft turned imaginary foundation a local resident. It is reported that unknown entered the premises of business and stole electrical equipment in the amount of about 60 000 hryvnia. The police is investigating imaginary foundation the case of the incident. Such offenses fall under sanctions Art. 164 of the Criminal Code DNR (theft). In the Kirov District Police Station in Donetsk obratils
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