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Skin tightening certain strands of the methods known for many years (gold, meso, three "d" or). It is a method of tightening fashion game the skin or entering the fine in the different layers of the skin. They are made of biodegradable material, and as a rule is absorbed for 6-12 months. After this period, the skin remains fibrous tissue as a reaction to a foreign body-or fashion game that we have installed. It is this effect leads to a tightening of the skin.
Classic meso or have a thickness of 0.1 mm. They are introduced into the superficial layer of the skin. The intervention takes about ten minutes. Introducing neither provides fashion game mild tissue reaction. In this way, improves skin tone, skin is less relaxed, sails and rejuvenated. This effect lasts for about two years. They are used in the area of the face, neck, chest, arms, stomach and hips. The introduction of these or immediately after the intervention does not leave any traces on the same day and you can come back daily duties. After two days it is common mild swelling, redness and the point hematoma. Revolutionary Happy lift nor They provide a rejuvenating effect for more than five years. Their thickness is 0.3 mm. Are introduced in the subdermal tissue. Similar to the classic meso nor, just stronger - lead to the production of fibroblasts and the formation of new collagen fibers. For myself have soft inserts, which are open in the tissue as herringbone, remain and pull the skin in the desired direction. fashion game Using these threads is achieved by the effect of a real facelift and represent a revolutionary shift in aesthetic surgery. Very good results are obtained in the area of the face and neck. The intervention lasts 20 minutes and dotted hematomas go for a few days. The full effect of this intervention is seen after 6 weeks. The effect of such facelift takes about five years should result while real surgery (facelift) lasts 10-15 years. It is recommended for people who want a simple procedure whereby a significant rejuvenation, people who are not motivated to surgery and those who want to improve their appearance, and have chronic illnesses that are a nuisance for general anesthesia. Recovery after this procedure is short two to three days that are strapping on his face. During this time, it is recommended bed rest, taking pureed or chopped fine food, and next month, refraining from demanding physical activities and exercise. Happy lift brow lift Happy Happy face lift neck Bocca (ital.usne) is a completely new approach to increase the lips in a natural way, by introducing already described barbed thread which is biodegradable and which is the effect of a durable and beautiful. This method is completely safe, barbed thread is made of natural material, without any toxic impact. If you increase the oral introduction of barbed threads, there is no possibility of complications that can otherwise fashion game occur when permanent fillers fashion game in question as follows: asymmetry, granulomas and change the position of the implant falling to the lowest point of his mouth.
The new facelift spiky strands Aesthetic prosthesis after amputation What is a scar, treatment, operational and non-operational methods Application of modern coverings for wounds difference between primary and secondary rhinoplasty
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