Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Walking barefoot Like A Drug discover why it

Walking barefoot Like A Drug discover why it's you tube xl good and healthy to walk barefoot more direct attempt to how much they can give you an answer to that question:
Walking bare feet as a means of strengthening overall health and even for the treatment of certain diseases has long been used in ancient Greek in which the physical you tube xl culture was very rich. Walking barefoot was a kind of cult in ancient Greece it was even mandatory for all soldiers and even has entered into their daily training. Even the ancient you tube xl Greek thinker Plutrah wrote the philosopher Socrates in order to sharpen thoughts constantly walked barefoot and it also required its students: Dr. Anthony Muse was cured of a serious illness poet Xoracija that it made him walk barefoot on sharp rocks.
stick with this kind of walking you tube xl poa different structures of land:
The human body is extremely you tube xl only a regulatory system that is able to self-regulate and maintain and obnavlja.Ta option only regulation enables the human body to quickly and easily adapt to the effects of different variables and factors of the environment and the world around us.
One of the aspects of the regulation only change the external environment is the possibility of preserving the internal temperature regardless of the external environment you tube xl in which we find ourselves, or we stay: Heat signals received special mogobrojni and nerve endings that are located all over the skin and are called thermo receptors .Primera order to signal that they receive receptors on the skin if we are cold reflex system includes protective reactions such as: Cleaver is phosphorus-rich substance ATP that causes an increased production of heat, in fact it frees backup toplotu.Isto time coming up
includes a mechanism that reduces the pores of the koži.Istraživanja have shown that the entire surface of the skin are thermal receptors in other words :( Cold and hot spots) and especially on the feet where there are significantly higher than in other parts of the body because many people you tube xl due to cooling leg often get colds: Footwear that today we carry continuously creates leg constant micro climate which causes inactivity thermo receptors on stopalima.Ako we take into account that the foot was directly related to the upper airways, then at each local leg cooling you tube xl temperature on the inside walls of the upper

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