Saturday afternoon, are the 14:13, it's zozotown cold outside, return to the house, which is better .. but before I decide to smoke a cigarette outdoors with hair in the wind in front of a blue and calm .. breath fresh oxygen, salinity and a sense of freedom that only the sky in front of the sea know me .. cigarette smoke mingles with the thoughts that run in search of words .. like if they were not already pay for everything around them, silence, stillness, wind, and all around un'azzurrità reminiscent of the colors when I was a very little zozotown girl, long ago .. smoke, light light, looking at the horizon serene .. the sun's rays filtering from the sky .. and only heat a just all around zozotown .. I decide to get up and return home .. a sudden flight of seagulls seems to greet me dancing to the beach and the sea at the top .. .. look at them curious and I look like I greet them .. I wonder where they will go .. and so his hands in his pocket, I walk toward the house, the street is deserted at this hour of the day .. and also the cars are very few .. seems to be in another dimension, more serene, more clear .. lonely. . deep breath and tell myself, to myself, I like this because I can enjoy breathing the air blue and finish under the house .. I look at the city for a while in front of me .. the sun's rays seem heat it and color it and the sky is clear there too ..
I climb the stairs, the windows of the door, with their seedlings on the windowsill and their elegant curtains that seem to dance pushed by the wind, are open to take in fresh air throughout the building .. into the house, Wisky IV in dim light, the shutters are narrowed, greets me relaxed and sleepy from his couch bluish, zozotown I light up a cigarette, I open the window of the living room too, a bit 'of fresh air does not hurt at home .. I realize I move lazily, the laziness typical Saturday afternoon, after having slept well through the night until late morning and colorful dreams and also beautiful .. already occasionally happens, I feel good, a bit 'slow but I feel good, that slowness weekend from complete relaxation, and so, slowly, I decided to open my pc and also smilingdog without the rush to seek words nor songs .. nothing .. so, just for the pleasure of writing my beloved diary .. not to be left behind and for fun .. I'm dressed in a white-collar sweater zozotown given to me by Hermano, which keeps me very hot, a short-sleeved shirt of good cotton under golf, always white, and a pair of sweatpants blue dark, I'm comfortable and warm dressed so .. breath deeply, I almost sleep yet, perhaps because zozotown last night I did a little 'later than usual, I was out to dinner with my family, my father, my sister and My two beloved nipotastre .. they have not denied: two beautiful pizzas and coca-cola, I, my father and my sister, even, we plundered excellent fish, seasoned with wine, an evening with joy, with final cake great with the confusion typical of my family, ate, talked and laughed and drank a little, sometimes we want to sit between us ..
after eating well, last night I returned home, I fell asleep almost immediately, I smiled to myself, and I let myself fall asleep between sweet and colorful dreams, I wake up this morning serene .. that's all here, maybe this is the recipe a bit 'of serenity and joy, a mangiatina in joy and good company, faces loved ones and friends that greet you in a friendly, zozotown a new piercing my niece, a loud laugh, spontaneous and sudden zozotown the other granddaughter zozotown with her grandfather adored .. my sister and I to talk about old loves with a cigarette in front of the beautiful Gulf of the city, all lit up in front of the sea ..
The lazy happiness that exudes from the words for tippettate smilingdog, is a state of grace that thanks the company of serenity. zozotown Already, the serenity, sometimes so mistreated, can also have a brightness that surprises us, slowly rises to the sun, including simple zozotown gestures and bursts of laughter, and becomes zozotown blinding, as some days carved in our memory and we will not forget ... more
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