A broad smile, good "brzoispaljeni" joke, inexhaustible uni qlo cheerfulness, innate comic - Jelica Čučevići, the youngest of three sisters Tomic that marked generation of special times "Linđo" uni qlo remained live in the city and, like other rare souls who injected life and soul "scenogafiji" within the walls, became, slang terms, "inventory" of our City. A welcome, doborodošlim uni qlo and desirable "inventory", I personally undersea. Today only repeats what is already in talks for years pointed out - who learns to live in the city, the walls, without it can not. His cheerfulness and gift several years shared with the audience that faithfully follows the work troupe "Kolarin".
Despite the fact that the lodge in the summer should uni qlo always invent new corridors in slalom through the chairs and tables, despite the "immoral" offers for the sale of the apartment ... on clotheslines family Čučevići and Tomic in the City, the goods are dried in the winter months. uni qlo Energy that is bursting, Jelica uni qlo the past few years, focused in what she is given, donated, like a gift, acting. First the company, "Ariel", then to "Kolarin-in." uni qlo On stage, Jelica not acting. It is, quite simply, Jelic. When someone with her met, friendly exchange, uni qlo and that they have not parted with a laugh?
- After I stopped balat in "Lindo", I began to feel deprived of that "something." Motherhood and study in later years is required, it is true, a lot of time, energy and patience, but I was full, I had excess energy to even something as my life would have made more coherent. Random look at an ad for an audition KU Ariel, took me already for 2 days čitačku test. Beautiful text Mira Raven, every director Jasna Jukic and play "All About Women", winner 49.festivala Amateur uni qlo Theatre in Kastav 2009th "Soar" uni qlo among others, uni qlo her acting uni qlo career. It was a natural continuation of life in the city and the theater, because city kids live with the theater since childhood, the Summer uni qlo Festival performances have been at all rehearsals and performances, and during the day in the hallways directed his own plays and know the days of pacing k ' the army by shouting Porporela TARA TARA TARA TA or singing zinc Canki Sadie LOVES ducats. Those were good times - Pugliese paid, Gundulić uni qlo Square, Jesuits and Music School without tables, but stands by the summer of the Summer Games. Member Ariel 2010th founded their own theater group Kolarin and from then until now all alone plan, organize, realize, uni qlo every year, "throw" at a premiere, the first "spork Canasta" Matka Sršen directed by Radmila Milaković then "ŠKERAC with St. Mary's" Boris Njavro directed Žuže Egrenyi, awarded to 53 Festival of Amateur Theatre for the preservation of cultural heritage and language, children's play "Christmas Grandpa Martin" LN Tolstoy directed Tajane Martic and now we are in front of the Prime Minister "Fishermen Brawl" by Carlo Goldoni, directed again Žuže Egrenyi. Zuza is an inexhaustible source of energy, so we learned a lot from her, but she always emphasize that we restore faith in her game, is aware of our daily routine, as we all do, we have families, additional pursuits, and yet we all run to the probe where, definitely a "full battery". It's important to know well organized, and have a normal dweller around the home, because without their support is hard to succeed - says Jelic, adding that they all have the greatest reward uni qlo that people from the City of love, wonder when the new auditions, new performance ...
- I think I feel the positive energy dense as they all play in the Dubrovnik dialect and try to use as much of the old, almost forgotten term. I think that year or a certain social status should not be an obstacle to deal with something extra, as well as thick. Dreams to live. We are the biggest problem area. We get that we can, but there are good people who open their doors to us, such as AR Lazareti, Youth Club Orlando and cinematography, but if they had at least one small room where you are, and keep all of our props and posters we would be "on a horse." Child of the City, in love with the city, its history, including the present, despite many shortcomings and flaws ...
- Life in the City for me is really unique uni qlo to each stair or alley feels like Tinelli. I can not imagine life outside the city, everything is "under the feet" of course that was before a lot more butiga and souls in the city and passing lanes to feel the smell of Toca or schnitzel and accurately you can know who you ready for lunch. By
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