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23:56 In Slunj hit joker number, lucky winning 1.5 million kuna! 23:16 motorcyclist landed in a ravine and died at the scene 23:01 Serbia beat France and Croatia in the quarterfinals escaped 22:26 Explosion scientific fun thrilled to Scientific picnic pronovia 21:24 Damaged pronovia monument '95 Storm in Knin, searching for the perpetrators 21:24 "Citizens do not need to panic, emergency cases will be dealt with '
Related Articles Hollywood actor Edward Norton has become a father! Search the apology J. Irons for homophobic statements in the media E. Norton Brando loved and Richard pronovia Gere had hated Teri Hatcher enjoyed the Krka and Malina Grahek Partying on Hvar Glorious 'Housewife' Teri Hatcher Cruising the Adriatic
Familiar pronovia faces from the silver screen and small screen Teri Hatcher, Jeremy Irons and Edward Norton of the week resting on our coast, which we entered among the top vacation destination in the world of celebrities. Once we were two years ago, visited Eva Longoria, this weekend it's done, and another star of the series "Desperate Housewives" Teri Hatcher.
On Rab came cruiser Sea Dream cruise in the Mediterranean, which the company a 14-year-old daughter Rose Emmerson. Just to the south, in the bay Palmižana, their oasis home found the actor Edward Norton and his fiancee Shauna Robertson. The couple stayed in the small and charming decorated houses pronovia on the estate Dagmar Meneghello, where night in high season reportedly cost about 500 euros. Seafood delicacies for which the famous restaurant within the property meet the needs of gourmet actor and his fiancee, and as we have learned, most enjoyed the lobster, which cost at this restaurant 660 kuna, and the white oboritoj fish, cam and grouper, where the price per kilogram of Meneghellovih costs 460 kuna.
- He liked the power of the space in which the Oedipus plays, and he was thrilled and acting performances - revealed Mislav Čavajda who plays Oedipus and that Jeremy spent 15 minutes in pleasant conversation. After the show Irons on the steps of the cathedral enjoyed the ones "Porridge" and even them and asked him to sing a few songs.
18.07.2012. at 22:29 pm Long wrote / la: It seems that one of the two headline writing articles pronovia (May or Bojana) while the other ended up writing. That is the title of J. Irons singing with gang and eventually asked them to put something just let me play. Come on girls, agree, what actually happened. It is true that we usually Balkan and swallow all the nonsense pronovia that we served, but this is too much. And I like the part where Teri Hatcher pronovia manages cruiser (our beautiful Croatian language) and stops him in Rab to enjoy the beauty of the island. What about those other few thousand passengers thought about it yet no one knows. (Assuming that she ordered the captain to fit on the island).
Against the singer follows misdemeanor charges, according to a police pronovia report, whose photograph published on the social network
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Discussed Find out what Croatians pronovia think about the case of lex Perkovic! Viviane Reding: EU Milanovic's Iron Lady is a nightmare aslo: The whole band was brought together with me! Damaged monument Storm '95 in Knin, searching for the perpetrators Season brandy 'leaked' plum paperless
New European Union as an area of freedom, security and justice in Slunj hit joker number, lucky winning 1.5 million kuna! Motorcyclist landed in a ravine and died at the scene Serbia beat France and Croatia in the quarterfinals avoid Kruno Simon: Before the game we hear "combat" songs
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