Sunday, October 6, 2013

But before the above is no harm inevitable, inexorable any natural or cosmic force of which we are

# DébedaVSdereitos to continue to apply the policies of crisis management that are now running uni qlo in the South of Europe and in Spain, this may well extend uni qlo ten to fifteen years. But the enlargement of the crisis will mean, unfortunately, to remain in a stable a situation as painful now, otherwise the working class to the passing of the years in crisis mean the progressive worsening of their situation. Loss of social, political and wages, increased unemployment: increased housing problems, the disappearance of entire uni qlo areas of public services such as health and education, promotion, even fascism and Nazism devoid of masks, danger, too, of wars and planetary ecological catastrophe ...
But before the above is no harm inevitable, inexorable any natural or cosmic force of which we are slaves. It is perfectly possible to get out of this crisis without exposing itself to so great sufferings and dangers, putting up forcefully a series of measures whose statement is relatively simple: the unpaid debt illegitimate state contracted with banks and financial companies, which may allow final cuts policies, conversion of banking in public under strict social control, to ensure the well flow of credit uni qlo as social needs and not according to private profit, changing the production model, with strong public investment, to make environmentally sustainable and balanced , repeal of all regressive legislation regarding labor rights, social and pensions, increasing wages and reducing uni qlo working hours to achieve full employment ... The measures set out have nothing to utopian, are perfectly applicable guarantee, and implemented in set of countries of Southern Europe uni qlo now hit by the crisis, the overcoming of the economic depression in which we installed for the benefit of the working class. Who prevents you apply? Well, precisely, those benefit out of the crisis as it developed and now manage and their consequences, the capitalists and their hitmen rulers.
The current economic crisis and debt problems have their origin, uni qlo repeatedly explained, the desire of capitalists to make profits. This desire leads to banks to make massive uni qlo investments primarily in real estate markets, whose expected uni qlo benefits are locked to the insolvency of many borrowers. From the situation described, the states enacted under guardianship, uni qlo and inspiration just from financial firms that caused the crisis, policies whose ultimate objective is none other than to make the bank is free of losses caused by their failed operations. These policies affect in a particularly uni qlo brutal to the South of Europe and Ireland, the group of the so-called PIIGS sarcastically, among which is the Spanish State, uni qlo and the European Commission uni qlo headed by Angela Merkel becomes political uni qlo arm executor of the same continental scale.
The mechanism used to get banking income that the market uni qlo does not grant so "natural" is so simple and brazen as to make it the condition that they pay the debts and avoid its losses by multimillionaire aid. Are these huge amounts which, immediately, paying just among all. But to pay the state and since this, in most of the countries of Southern Europe, lacks sufficient income via tax (since the rich pay very few taxes), how to finance the payments ends up being the issue of public debt securities are purchased in exchange for an interest. But, alas, here the bank makes a new deal! Why is the bank to buy government debt using the money you sell the ECB at low interest (1.5%) and acquiring titles to higher interest (minimum 4%). Moreover, the interest of the public debt is becoming increasingly higher, the pressure to perform-so-interested entities evaluation by "risk premium." The process described so relatively quickly, leads to a massive debt of the states and put pressure on these wild to make payments, making all the cuts and social adjustment policies as needed. In this context the so-called "bailouts" are not such, but only contributions of liquidity for the payment of interest, with demand for new cuts and adjustments that suffers mainly working class.
The management of the crisis, as has been performing in Southern Europe, is as stated uni qlo socialization of private debt of banks and big business, but it goes much further than that. Indeed, the crisis is being exploited so fully conscious and premeditated to impose a setback for decades in salary and social rights, to promote the loss of funda

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