Monday, October 7, 2013

Furthermore, once in the water, emily the strange the waves are high and incessant, and, although w

Tuesday, emily the strange July 17. Lands in Cancun, emily the strange finally, after a journey quite hard and stressful, though they have their moments idyllic, like that stay on a desert island in the Caribbean Panama. emily the strange And especially in hard economic. Exit from South America to Mexico prantarnos was a setback for my harmed the economy going to cost me repoñerme emily the strange horrors.
We have reached Mexican soil, as I say, the first hour of the evening. Desprazámonos airport to Cancun itself a bus there called "ADO", and the terminal bus to our hostel just a few minutes walk. Inn Tulum was the name of the new home on our adventure, in which a hostel for less than 6 we had pool, breakfast, internet, and a personal atmosphere and exceptional, as I discussed later.
And I should mention, before entering the beach theme, precisely at lunch. We did a little table to put in the market, near the Inn of Tulum, way to go and enjoy. Chile relleno, beef tacos, shrimp, fish ... all delicious, I swear. Of course, first of all I was obliged to inform the lady cook the little custom that is my digestive system to process spicy, given the extreme pleasure of this very hard to give us this kind of spices.
And, now, we enter in terms of beaches. The line of beaches in Cancun extends over 22 miles, in the form of "L". As we get closer to them, the landscape is changing gradually Cancun and radically. The modest homes and businesses of Cancun Mexican are giving emily the strange way to monumental hotel complexes, of all shapes and colors, the most striking and ostentatious, the better.
At times you have the feeling of being better in Las Vegas. Our choice, after consultation with the reception of the Inn of Tulum, the beach was Los D Elfin. The dolphin is a beach, emily the strange apparently less crowded than the rest, most released from scrum of tourists ateigan coast cancunense. Yes, it has fine white sand. And yes, the waters are warm and turquoise. We could be talking, finally, after five months of travel, the first beach they could make a bit of shade we have in the Pokemon of all we visited so far.
And objectively, the beach itself if they are comparable to ours. But this mass, these tomes with which you're only turn heads, this lack of intimacy, quiet ... I do not think sins of excess patriotism if I say that I'm getting, for example, emily the strange with beaches that have the Vigo the other side the estuary.
Furthermore, once in the water, emily the strange the waves are high and incessant, and, although without breaking force and do not drag, cáeche up approximately one every five seconds, and the truth is that it is quite annoying. Do not get me wrong, enjoy and much enjoyed, just say that the supreme quality of the Galician beaches continues to be, in my humble opinion, above all I knew until today.
When we got to the beach and entered the kitchen of the hostel, the same was a presence that would forever change our stay in Cancun. It was Michel Dosal. Michel ... Michel is probably the most troubled of mind that we met on this trip. Native of Mexico City, his constant laughter left to clear from the first moment their privileged sense of humor and his accused mental imbalance.
We met when he Liz, the other defending it, in my opinion, was the perfect match for Michel. Crazy like him, smiling like it, like it ... Chilango The proof is that when we think we have seen together emily the strange they were friends of a lifetime. They had met the previous week.
The three together, in the two most-Michel, the next day we went back to the beach. We went down before the bus to enjoy the views from the hotel zone a bridge, and then walk a good bunch to a beach that had convinced.
At night we went out for a few halves. The base of tequila, it was the cheapest in addition to the most appropriate given the land where we were, we went to entering sauce. Before proceeding to learn was one of my classic night: crearme my own character.
When coming out of karaoke, and a few seconds after singing "El Rey" in perfect Spanish, presenteime a group of people like Ivan, a Russian tourist. Nobody questioned my nationality in no time. Moreover, asking emily the strange for silence emily the strange aprenderme to speak Spanish properly:
I wanted to make a joke just for ten minutes. The problem was that Ivan I fell right over to these people, who were with us until 08:30 am. Even I had to work harder on my character, because she's group began to become interested too by Ivan, which a friend of his who would want to be more than that did not do much grace and jealousy made an appearance. He had to calm

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