Sunday, October 13, 2013

Given this obvious problem I like Galician parx racing and advocate of Pokemon parx racing and bein

In modern democracies the fight went from military to a verbal fight in the chairs of the institutions and the great battles we all remember some political parties tried to kill boredom of the Opposition until the insistence and coherent arguments were slowly changing events ... for better or for wrong.
At last it that far at the time of the slave ships, the pirates, the English lords and known as colonies remember some dukes and counts the nobility fought in the House of Commons to abolish the slave trade, then no heads rolled, not the guillotine work had not broke any war and perseverance convinced a handful of made possible without bloodshed, England who released their invisible chains in prisons open to millions of people.
At that time in the U.S. The reasons parx racing and dialogue were not able to resolve parx racing the issue of slavery and had to arrange a civil war we remember won the north and the black until they got to be free to vote and were nearly equal than whites to least the law.
In Galicia is telling us going the same problem but with a different approach particularly because if coldly analyze and compare our current situation and how it lived some years we realize that there is no lancheiros or forges or nightclubs and taverns tax-free, there are no anguleiros in our rivers, the number of boats disminuiu dramatically, there are fewer companies, fewer workers, fewer farms, and many more politicians, parx racing higher taxes, loss of rights, more unemployed, less likely to young and ... well we are living in a dictatorial state you want the social slavery.
Given this obvious problem I like Galician parx racing and advocate of Pokemon parx racing and being witness the failure of dialogue in the parliament of Galicia, both by nationalists as socialist and all them other "ists" I must try to fix a problem that affects me directly and affects them all Galician. Now I have to choose an option: keep buying the poemarios of philologists pro-chiefs parx racing who kidnapped Galician literature parx racing by closed circles or Write new poetry and new manifestos that arouse the hearts of those who sleep and just so alzaranse parx racing screaming in the streets for the reason that brought consistent , logic, and wins one way or another.
I do not like Unfollow publication The Sharing you Xose Taracido Andres Fernandez, Manuel Angel Rios Martinez, Jose Luis Crespo and others you like it 25. 4 shared Isidrez Violent Intellectually I completely agree with this statement, so real that most do not want to see. And although written by you, I make mine too. Because only our revolution, but converted the streams in streams of blood will paint our victory. And it's parx racing not trivial, compared with the blood red because the case is not to paint the blood of poets? 18 April at 20:57 Like 5 Ana Vanessa Rodriguez Lage But many prefer achantar, Waiting for alms, by a grant ... and live drafts being the voice of the master Neither life nor art can exist without freedom .. 18 April at 21:02 Like 4 Isidrez Intellectually Violent Quítachesme the words of the mouth with ise mat 18 April at 21:03 Like 4 Helena Villar Janeiro "Mojo in the very tough bled pen / and write ..." Rosalia de Castro, "New Leaves". 18 April at 21:05 Like 4 Ana Vanessa Rodriguez Lage ... write, parx racing write ..., What for? 'Back to the depths of the soul ... 18 April at 21:10 Like 5 Helena Villar Janeiro frightening images. .... Words and words and words ... "Rosalie always a beacon. Hug, Vanessa. 18 April at 21:14 Like 2 Isidrez Intellectually Violent ... Tempestosas images! 'Go to dwell cas relembranzas dead!, That hand tembrosa just write on paper April 18 at 21:14 am Like 5 Helena Villar Janeiro Triálogo with Rosalie in the background. 18 April at 21:20 Like Francisco Lopez Lopez My dear friend and beautiful parx racing chick, no bag or put a comma. But new world that want to impose and that is to kill Pokemon, I think it settled with words ... It is true that the English have made this more after several revolts ... See More April 18 at 21:22 dislikes 3 GZ U V Dear Vanessa death this time I will not talk about Rosalia not because I do not like but it is not the time nor the place but I will give my congratulations to describe the events as simply present us atormentan.bicos thousand .. 18 April at 21:29 Like 4 sim Write Durão Carlos, Ana, atua (and Write is a weird way to act) but the way that independent Sejas able, as the state No. existisse, and encourages other / the, em fraternity: to see that the tu és independent tb have instilled in them the desire to get independence, and will do the same: if we keep Essa

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