Saturday, October 5, 2013

Time to put a little fun into your morning and upload dressbarn photos of your pets, kids and other

Time to put a little fun into your morning and upload dressbarn photos of your pets, kids and other assorted loved ones in their Sunday morning Snuggie best ! We ve written quite a bit here recently about the Snuggie, perhaps the most widely recognizable and widely loved member dressbarn of the Top TV Stuff As Seen ON TV inventory. And you’ve submitted a lot of photos and videos showing your love for Snuggie. Now, here’s your chance to share those photos and videos with the Top TV Stuff audience here on the blog, over Facebook and on Twitter and see if your photos and videos will be the ones to go viral!
Featured on countless late-night television infomercials, pop-up ads, and As Seen On TV feature articles, no product has become dressbarn a pop culture mainstay quite as quickly dressbarn and as broadly as the Snuggie. From what was originally a simple, solid-color item intended only to perform dressbarn its duty, public enthusiasm for the Snuggie led the company to produce hundreds upon hundreds of custom versions of the popular blanket-robe combo.
So what is it about the Snuggie that has made it such a popular mainstay in the As Seen On TV universe? Aside from the functional uses of the Snuggie (hey, who couldn t use a blanket/robe hybrid, especially if you are like this writer and call the 7-month Chicago winter your home turf), the playful and enthusiastic infomercials seemed to engage a much larger following dressbarn of As Seen On TV buffs than the usual product. Soon enough, people were moving beyond buying the product just for themselves; everyone from their children, to their grandparents, to their dogs and cats were being adorned in Snuggies. Oh, The Humor
Of course, this profusion of Snuggies to all members of the family and the household has led to something we ve come to expect from every pop-culture novelty that grabs the consumer consciousness; hilarious pictures and YouTube videos. You ll notice the picture dressbarn adorning this blog post is just one example of the potential humor to be found in Snuggies in your own home.
Aside from animals-in-Snuggies dressbarn and babies-in-Snuggies memes and photos, intrepid dressbarn college students have found that utilizing Snuggies in Greek life rituals and rec sports competitions have also resulted in a wide array of hilarious blooper videos. Across the country, college students have been integrating ridiculous costumes into alcohol-fueled situations for years, and the extent of student-in-Snuggie videos also provide a treasure trove of funny stuff to help entertain you during the doldrums of the work day. Show Us Yours!
As always, we at Top TV Stuff like to get our users to join in on the As Seen On TV fun as much as possible. So, we are asking you to find and send in your own favorite videos and images of people using Snuggies in, well, unconventional ways. You can post the images or videos as comments to this blog, or to our Facebook page and Twitter feed . So join in with us in livening up our work days with some Snuggie fun, and submit your favorite videos and pictures of the Snuggie in action today! Comment for a chance to win!
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